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Celtic Player Jim Holmes, Managers & Teammates

Holmes, Jim

Date of Birth08/12/1954
Place of BirthMotherwell
Signed FromDunfermline Athletic
Sold ToAlloa Athletic
Games Played0 [Show all]
Games Started0
Games On As Sub0
Yellow Cards0
Red Cards0

Managers Selected By (including times as substitute)

ManagerNum Times Played Under

In Starting Lineup Alongside

PlayerNum Times In Starting Lineup With
McNeil, John275
Ritchie, Andy250
Hayes, Davie242
Rooney, James230
Orr, Neil221
Baines, Roy191
Hutchison, Roddy175
McLaughlin, Joe164
Anderson, George156
Robertson, Dougie155
Thomson, Bobby139
Doak, Martin136
Duffy, Jim136
Docherty, Daniel128
O'Hara, Alex128
Clinging, Ian126
Houston, Robert110
Hunter, James101
Wylie, David96
Turner, Tommy94
Brown, Charlie84
Miller, James84
McDermott, Murray77
Alexander, Rowan74
Boag, John73
Cochrane, Ian68
McGhee, Mark68
Richardson, Lex67
Goldthorp, John65
McLaren, Billy64
Tolmie, Jim61
Evans, Barry60
Liddell, Jim58
Veitch, Tommy57
Busby, Drew56
Connaghan, Denis56
Sullivan, Dom55
Welsh, Frank55
Russell, Robert53
McNamara, Jackie52
Scott, Alistair52
McNab, Edward47
Morrison, Eddie38
McNeil, Tom35
Wilson, James34
Boag, James33
Pettigrew, Willie30
MacDonald, Roddy29
Gillespie, James28
Simpson, James25
Townsend, Jim24
Collins, Derek23
McMaster, John23
Robertson, James22
Payne, Graeme18
Hotson, John15
Kyle, Graham13
Slaven, Bernie13
Marr, John12
Miller, Alex12
Mackin, Alan11
Rae, Robin11
Christensen, Lars10
Dunlop, Andrew10
Lynch, Eamonn10
Margaard, Karsten9
Thomas, Billy9
Gibson, Ian8
Higgins, Tony8
Jackson, Colin8
McClurg, John8
Sneddon, Ian8
Brcic, David7
Craig, John7
Gavigan, Edward7
Wilkie, Jim7
Alexander, Ian6
Coyle, Joe6
Rooney, Benny6
Adams, Craig5
Arthur, James5
Fleeting, Jim5
McLean, Jim5
Rae, David5
Turner, Robert5
McCafferty, Alan4
Ring, Michael4
Cowie, George3
Harvey, David3
Herriot, Jim3
Mitchell, Barry3
Mitchell, Kenny3
Diver, Daniel2
Gourlay, Archie2
Mauchlen, John2
McArthur, Jim2
McCallum, Mungo2
McCurdy, Pat2
McGeachy, Archie2
Rogers, Jim2
Armstrong, James1
Bateman, Alan1
Boyd, Gordon1
Bruce, Andy1
Clinton, Andrew1
Ferguson, Ricky1
McMenemy, J1
Terkelsen, Henrik1
Verlaque, David1

Played In Same Game (including times as substitute)

PlayerNum Times Played In Same Game As
McNeil, John351
Ritchie, Andy266
Hayes, Davie246
Rooney, James233
Orr, Neil226
Hutchison, Roddy198
Baines, Roy191
Robertson, Dougie165
McLaughlin, Joe164
Anderson, George162
Doak, Martin160
Clinging, Ian148
Docherty, Daniel146
O'Hara, Alex139
Thomson, Bobby139
Duffy, Jim136
Houston, Robert124
Turner, Tommy112
Hunter, James104
Wylie, David96
Brown, Charlie93
Tolmie, Jim90
Miller, James85
Cochrane, Ian82
Scott, Alistair80
McDermott, Murray77
McNab, Edward77
McLaren, Billy76
Alexander, Rowan75
Boag, John75
Goldthorp, John72
Evans, Barry71
McGhee, Mark69
Richardson, Lex68
Busby, Drew61
Sullivan, Dom60
Russell, Robert59
Liddell, Jim58
Veitch, Tommy58
Connaghan, Denis57
Welsh, Frank56
Boag, James55
McNamara, Jackie53
McNeil, Tom53
Wilson, James47
Morrison, Eddie41
Pettigrew, Willie36
Gillespie, James34
MacDonald, Roddy29
Robertson, James29
McMaster, John28
Hotson, John25
Simpson, James25
Collins, Derek24
Townsend, Jim24
Slaven, Bernie22
Thomas, Billy21
Gavigan, Edward20
Payne, Graeme20
Arthur, James18
Coyle, Joe18
Higgins, Tony17
Lynch, Eamonn15
Marr, John14
Rae, David14
Kyle, Graham13
Miller, Alex12
Mackin, Alan11
Rae, Robin11
Christensen, Lars10
Craig, John10
Dunlop, Andrew10
Margaard, Karsten10
McClurg, John10
Gibson, Ian9
McCallum, Mungo9
McLean, Jim9
Sneddon, Ian9
Jackson, Colin8
Wilkie, Jim8
Alexander, Ian7
Brcic, David7
Mauchlen, John7
McCafferty, Alan6
Rooney, Benny6
Adams, Craig5
Fleeting, Jim5
Mitchell, Kenny5
Turner, Robert5
Clinton, Andrew4
Diver, Daniel4
Gourlay, Archie4
McCurdy, Pat4
McGeachy, Archie4
Ring, Michael4
Bateman, Alan3
Bryce, Tommy3
Cowie, George3
Harvey, David3
Herriot, Jim3
McAveety, Phil3
Mitchell, Barry3
Rogers, Jim3
Verlaque, David3
Callachan, Ralph2
McArthur, Jim2
Ronald, Adam2
Armstrong, James1
Armstrong, Paul1
Boyd, Gordon1
Bruce, Andy1
Ferguson, Ricky1
Kristensen, Carl1
Mackay, John1
McMenemy, J1
Terkelsen, Henrik1
Thompson, Gary1

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