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Rangers Player Tommy McLean, Managers & Teammates

McLean, Tommy

Date of Birth02/06/1947
Place of BirthLarkhall
Signed FromKilmarnock
Sold ToRetired
Games Played459 [Show all]
Games Started426
Games On As Sub33
Goals59 (including 8 penalties)
Yellow Cards2
Red Cards2
McLean, Tommy also managed the club [See Manager Details]

Managers Selected By (including times as substitute)

ManagerNum Times Played Under
Wallace, Jock273
Greig, John143
Waddell, Willie43

In Starting Lineup Alongside

PlayerNum Times In Starting Lineup With
Jardine, Sandy381
Johnstone, Derek351
MacDonald, Alex345
Jackson, Colin317
McCloy, Peter281
Greig, John260
Forsyth, Tom259
Parlane, Derek208
Miller, Alex161
Russell, Bobby131
Kennedy, Stuart124
Cooper, Davie114
Mathieson, Willie111
Smith, Gordon101
Dawson, Ally90
McKean, Bobby88
Young, Quinton74
Watson, Kenneth George71
Hamilton, Johnny67
Smith, Dave65
Johnston, Willie58
Stein, Colin58
Conn, Alfie45
Denny, Jim43
Redford, Ian36
Scott, Alistair36
Henderson, Martin34
Stevens, Gregor33
Bett, Jim32
Forsyth, Alex32
McDonald, John32
O'Hara, Alex30
McAdam, Colin27
Fyfe, Graham20
McDougall, Iain18
Houston, Douglas Arthur15
Stewart, Jim15
Urquhart, Billy13
McKinnon, Ronnie10
Munro, Iain10
Robertson, Chris10
McDonald, Iain6
Morris, Eric6
Mason, Joe5
Penman, Andy5
Steele, James5
Henderson, Willie4
Hunter, Donald4
McClelland, John3
Dalziel, Gordon2
McPherson, Dave2
Young, George Wingate2
Armour, Davie1
Black, Kenny1
Davies, Billy1
Donaldson, George Innes1
Ferguson, Eric1
Lyall, Kenny1
McIntyre, Jimmy1
McKay, Billy1
Sharp, Richard1
Watson, Graham1

Played In Same Game (including times as substitute)

PlayerNum Times Played In Same Game As
Jardine, Sandy426
Johnstone, Derek383
MacDonald, Alex372
Jackson, Colin346
McCloy, Peter306
Forsyth, Tom281
Greig, John273
Parlane, Derek264
Miller, Alex225
Cooper, Davie159
Russell, Bobby153
Smith, Gordon130
Kennedy, Stuart128
Mathieson, Willie116
McKean, Bobby113
Dawson, Ally106
Young, Quinton92
Watson, Kenneth George84
Johnston, Willie78
Smith, Dave77
Hamilton, Johnny75
Stein, Colin67
Conn, Alfie64
McDonald, John63
Denny, Jim57
Redford, Ian52
Scott, Alistair46
Stevens, Gregor46
Henderson, Martin45
Bett, Jim42
Fyfe, Graham42
O'Hara, Alex40
McAdam, Colin38
Forsyth, Alex35
McDougall, Iain29
Urquhart, Billy21
Stewart, Jim19
Robertson, Chris18
Houston, Douglas Arthur16
McKay, Billy14
Mason, Joe12
Munro, Iain12
McKinnon, Ronnie11
Penman, Andy8
Henderson, Willie7
Morris, Eric7
McDonald, Iain6
Dalziel, Gordon5
McClelland, John5
Steele, James5
Armour, Davie4
Hunter, Donald4
Davies, Billy2
Donaldson, George Innes2
McPherson, Dave2
Young, George Wingate2
Black, Kenny1
Boyd, Gordon1
Clark, Robert Rodger1
Ferguson, Eric1
Lyall, Kenny1
McIntyre, Jimmy1
Sharp, Richard1
Watson, Graham1

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