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Rangers Player Richard Gough, Managers & Teammates

Gough, Richard

Date of Birth05/04/1962
Place of BirthStockholm
Signed FromTottenham Hotspur
Sold ToSan Jose Clash
Games Played428 [Show all]
Games Started428
Games On As Sub0
Yellow Cards65
Red Cards2

Managers Selected By (including times as substitute)

ManagerNum Times Played Under
Smith, Walter274
Souness, Graeme154

In Starting Lineup Alongside

PlayerNum Times In Starting Lineup With
McCoist, Ally242
Ferguson, Ian211
Goram, Andy194
Stevens, Gary190
McCall, Stuart185
Robertson, Davie182
Brown, John173
Hateley, Mark154
Steven, Trevor135
Woods, Chris132
Durrant, Ian128
Walters, Mark113
Laudrup, Brian110
Durie, Gordon98
Spackman, Nigel96
Butcher, Terry91
Cleland, Alec90
Munro, Stuart88
Huistra, Pieter80
Wilkins, Ray80
McPherson, Dave74
Johnston, Mo71
Gascoigne, Paul70
Mikhailichenko, Alexei66
Petric, Gordan65
McLaren, Alan64
Nisbet, Scott61
Albertz, Jorge58
Bjorklund, Joachim56
Maxwell, Ally51
Moore, Craig51
Ferguson, Derek49
Miller, Charlie48
Drinkell, Kevin46
Murray, Neil39
Gordon, Dale34
Roberts, Graham34
Cooper, Davie32
Hurlock, Terry25
Boli, Basil24
Kuznetsov, Oleg22
Pressley, Steven20
McInnes, Derek19
Negri, Marco19
Porrini, Sergio19
Thern, Jonas19
Gattuso, Rino18
Salenko, Oleg17
Walker, Nicky17
Cooper, Neale16
Wright, Stephen16
McGregor, John15
Nicholl, Jimmy13
Andersen, Erik Bo12
Fleck, Robert12
Van Vossen, Peter12
Bartram, Jan11
Bollan, Gary11
Ferguson, Duncan11
Souness, Graeme11
Sterland, Mel11
Vinnicombe, Chris11
Scott, Colin10
Stensaas, Staale9
Hagen, David8
Philips, Jimmy8
Wishart, Fraser8
Cowan, Tom7
McCall, Ian7
Spencer, John7
Ferguson, Barry6
Ginzburg, Bonni6
Rideout, Paul6
Robertson, Sandy6
Snelders, Theo6
Amoruso, Lorenzo5
Dodds, Davie5
Niemi, Antti5
Shields, Greg5
Thompson, Billy5
Francis, Trevor4
McSwegan, Gary4
Morrow, John4
Gray, Andy3
Reid, Brian3
Vidmar, Tony3
Cohen, Avi2
Dibble, Andy2
Falco, Mark2
Kirkwood, Davie2
McDonald, Kevin2
McGinty, Brian2
Rozental, Seb2
Wilson, Scott2
Watson, Steven1

Played In Same Game (including times as substitute)

PlayerNum Times Played In Same Game As
McCoist, Ally289
Ferguson, Ian236
Brown, John203
Goram, Andy194
McCall, Stuart194
Stevens, Gary190
Robertson, Davie184
Durrant, Ian183
Hateley, Mark162
Steven, Trevor139
Woods, Chris132
Durie, Gordon120
Walters, Mark118
Huistra, Pieter115
Laudrup, Brian110
Mikhailichenko, Alexei99
Cleland, Alec96
Spackman, Nigel96
Munro, Stuart92
Butcher, Terry91
Wilkins, Ray82
Gascoigne, Paul77
McPherson, Dave75
Johnston, Mo72
Nisbet, Scott71
Petric, Gordan68
McLaren, Alan65
Cooper, Davie62
Miller, Charlie62
Albertz, Jorge61
Ferguson, Derek59
Murray, Neil58
Moore, Craig57
Bjorklund, Joachim56
Maxwell, Ally52
Drinkell, Kevin50
Gordon, Dale37
McInnes, Derek34
Roberts, Graham34
Pressley, Steven28
Hurlock, Terry26
Souness, Graeme26
Kuznetsov, Oleg25
Andersen, Erik Bo24
Boli, Basil24
Van Vossen, Peter24
Gattuso, Rino22
Ferguson, Duncan21
Negri, Marco20
Cooper, Neale19
McGregor, John19
Porrini, Sergio19
Salenko, Oleg19
Thern, Jonas19
Vinnicombe, Chris18
Francis, Trevor17
Walker, Nicky17
Gray, Andy16
McCall, Ian16
Robertson, Sandy16
Wright, Stephen16
Bollan, Gary14
Dodds, Davie14
Nicholl, Jimmy14
Fleck, Robert13
Rideout, Paul13
Sterland, Mel13
Cowan, Tom12
McSwegan, Gary12
Stensaas, Staale12
Bartram, Jan11
Hagen, David11
Scott, Colin11
Spencer, John11
Wishart, Fraser10
Philips, Jimmy8
Johansson, Jonathon7
Amoruso, Lorenzo6
Falco, Mark6
Ferguson, Barry6
Ginzburg, Bonni6
Shields, Greg6
Snelders, Theo6
Thompson, Billy6
Vidmar, Tony6
Cohen, Avi5
Niemi, Antti5
Rozental, Seb5
Morrow, John4
Kirkwood, Davie3
McDonald, Kevin3
McGinty, Brian3
Reid, Brian3
Wilson, Scott3
Dibble, Andy2
Boyack, Steven1
McKnight, Paul1
Robertson, Lee1
Watson, Steven1

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