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Kilmarnock Player Andy King, Managers & Teammates

King, Andy

Games Played321 [Show all]
Games Started318
Games On As Sub3
Yellow Cards0
Red Cards0

Managers Selected By (including times as substitute)

ManagerNum Times Played Under
McDonald, Malcolm113
McCrae, Walter109
Waddell, Willie99

In Starting Lineup Alongside

PlayerNum Times In Starting Lineup With
McGrory, Jackie291
Beattie, Frank238
McLean, Tommy226
McIlroy, Brian217
McInally, Jackie177
Murray, Eric176
McFadzean, Jim148
Watson, Matt130
Dickson, Billy123
McLaughlan, Sandy121
Sneddon, Davie113
Queen, Gerry106
Morrison, Eddie104
Ferguson, Bobby98
Gilmour, John93
O'Connor, Pat92
Forsyth, Campbell84
McLean, Jim75
Cook, Jim63
Hamilton, Ronnie62
Brown, Hugh57
Mathie, Ross54
Black, Bertie53
Watson, Craig37
Bertelsen, Carl36
Strachan, Hugh23
Mason, Joe19
Rodman, Brian18
MacDonald, Alan17
Arthur, Robin16
Cameron, Kenny15
Waddell, Willie14
Dick, Ian10
Evans, Cammy10
Maxwell, George9
Richmond, Jim9
Kerr, Andy7
Yard, Ernie6
Hunter, Ally5
Layburn, Stuart5
Malone, Frank3
Waddell, R.3
Coghill, Tommy2
Johnston, Walter2
Miller, ?2
Muir (1), Billy2
Sheed, Ronnie2
Swan, Davie2
Toner, Willie2
McKellar, Hugh1
McSherry, Jim1
Sinclair, Billy1

Played In Same Game (including times as substitute)

PlayerNum Times Played In Same Game As
McGrory, Jackie294
Beattie, Frank240
McLean, Tommy227
McIlroy, Brian218
McInally, Jackie177
Murray, Eric176
McFadzean, Jim153
Watson, Matt133
Dickson, Billy128
McLaughlan, Sandy122
Sneddon, Davie115
Queen, Gerry108
Morrison, Eddie107
Ferguson, Bobby98
Gilmour, John97
O'Connor, Pat92
Forsyth, Campbell84
McLean, Jim76
Cook, Jim66
Hamilton, Ronnie62
Brown, Hugh58
Mathie, Ross56
Black, Bertie53
Watson, Craig39
Bertelsen, Carl36
Strachan, Hugh24
Rodman, Brian23
Mason, Joe19
Arthur, Robin18
MacDonald, Alan18
Waddell, Willie18
Cameron, Kenny17
Evans, Cammy14
Maxwell, George13
Dick, Ian10
Richmond, Jim9
Hunter, Ally7
Kerr, Andy7
Yard, Ernie6
Layburn, Stuart5
McSherry, Jim4
Malone, Frank3
Sheed, Ronnie3
Sinclair, Billy3
Waddell, R.3
Cairns, Alex2
Coghill, Tommy2
Johnston, Walter2
McCulloch, Jim2
McKellar, Hugh2
Miller, ?2
Muir (1), Billy2
Swan, Davie2
Toner, Willie2

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