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Celtic Player Andrew McAtee, Managers & Teammates

McAtee, Andrew

Date of Birth02/07/1888
Place of BirthCumbernauld
Games Played461 [Show all]
Games Started461
Games On As Sub0
Yellow Cards0
Red Cards0

Managers Selected By (including times as substitute)

ManagerNum Times Played Under
Maley, Willie461

In Starting Lineup Alongside

PlayerNum Times In Starting Lineup With
McNair, Alec389
Gallagher, Patrick364
Shaw, Charles360
Dodds, Joseph317
McMenemy, James244
Young, James213
Browning, John194
McMaster, John191
McStay, William189
McLean, Adam187
Johnstone, Peter183
Cringan, William163
Cassidy, Joseph161
McColl, James138
Gilchrist, John103
Macfarlane, John84
McInally, Thomas78
McGregor, Thomas73
Loney, William65
Quinn, James65
Brown, Hugh64
McStay, James55
Hilley, Hugh50
Mulrooney, John48
Brown, John44
Mitchell, John41
Wilson, James40
Adams, David37
Connolly, Patrick32
Thomson, Alex32
Hamilton, David23
Murphy, JB23
Travers, Patrick23
Livingstone, Dugald21
McAteer, Thomas18
Donaldson, Andrew17
Jackson, John17
O'Kane, Joseph17
Gray, Alex16
Hay, James16
Crone, William15
Nichol, William15
Pratt, David15
Owers, Ebenezer14
Hastie, John12
Connolly, Bernard11
Boyle, Robert10
Kivlichan, William10
Longmuir, Archibald9
Wilson, Peter9
Jarvis, Henry7
Whitehead, George7
Granger, John6
Murphy, JF6
Davidson, Andrew5
Black, John4
Craig, Thomas4
Hill, John4
McGrory, James4
Price, James4
Crilley, William3
Hughes, John3
McCann, Daniel3
Miller, Andrew3
Clark, Joseph2
Collins, Francis2
Gibson, Andrew2
Gilgun, Patrick2
Glasgow, Samuel2
Hamill, Michael2
McGhee, Robert2
Taylor, David2
Bauchop, James1
Cairney, James1
Fullarton, Alex1
Geehrin, Patrick1
Glancey, Lawrence1
McCormack, Arthur1
McCormack, Henry1
McGregor, Alex1
McInally, Arthur1
McKay, John1
Mitchell, F1
O'Neill, Felix1
Stewart, Thomas1
TrialistB, ?1
Watson, Charles1
Young, John1

Played In Same Game (including times as substitute)

PlayerNum Times Played In Same Game As
McNair, Alec389
Gallagher, Patrick364
Shaw, Charles360
Dodds, Joseph317
McMenemy, James244
Young, James213
Browning, John194
McMaster, John191
McStay, William189
McLean, Adam187
Johnstone, Peter183
Cringan, William163
Cassidy, Joseph161
McColl, James138
Gilchrist, John103
Macfarlane, John84
McInally, Thomas78
McGregor, Thomas73
Loney, William65
Quinn, James65
Brown, Hugh64
McStay, James55
Hilley, Hugh50
Mulrooney, John48
Brown, John44
Mitchell, John41
Wilson, James40
Adams, David37
Connolly, Patrick32
Thomson, Alex32
Hamilton, David23
Murphy, JB23
Travers, Patrick23
Livingstone, Dugald21
McAteer, Thomas18
Donaldson, Andrew17
Jackson, John17
O'Kane, Joseph17
Gray, Alex16
Hay, James16
Crone, William15
Nichol, William15
Pratt, David15
Owers, Ebenezer14
Hastie, John12
Connolly, Bernard11
Boyle, Robert10
Kivlichan, William10
Longmuir, Archibald9
Wilson, Peter9
Jarvis, Henry7
Whitehead, George7
Granger, John6
Murphy, JF6
Davidson, Andrew5
Black, John4
Craig, Thomas4
Hill, John4
McGrory, James4
Price, James4
Crilley, William3
Hughes, John3
McCann, Daniel3
Miller, Andrew3
Clark, Joseph2
Collins, Francis2
Gibson, Andrew2
Gilgun, Patrick2
Glasgow, Samuel2
Hamill, Michael2
McGhee, Robert2
Taylor, David2
Bauchop, James1
Cairney, James1
Fullarton, Alex1
Geehrin, Patrick1
Glancey, Lawrence1
McCormack, Arthur1
McCormack, Henry1
McGregor, Alex1
McInally, Arthur1
McKay, John1
Mitchell, F1
O'Neill, Felix1
Stewart, Thomas1
TrialistB, ?1
Watson, Charles1
Young, John1

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