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Hibernian Player Davie Hogg, Managers & Teammates

Hogg, Davie

Date of Birth23/08/1946
Signed FromTynecastle BC
Sold ToDundee United
Other ClubsDumbarton, Berwick Rangers, Hamilton Academical, Alloa
Games Played16 [Show all]
Games Started16
Games On As Sub0
Yellow Cards0
Red Cards0

Managers Selected By (including times as substitute)

ManagerNum Times Played Under
Shankly, Bob8
Stein, Jock6
Galbraith, Walter2

In Starting Lineup Alongside

PlayerNum Times In Starting Lineup With
Stanton, Pat16
Scott, Jim15
Wilson, Willie14
McNamee, John13
Cormack, Peter12
Baxter, John8
Davis, Joe8
Martin, Neil8
O'Rourke, Jimmy8
Simpson, Billy8
Fraser, John7
Stevenson, Jimmy7
Cousin, Alan5
Quinn, Pat5
Stevenson, Eric5
Parke, John4
Hamilton, Willie3
Leishman, Tommy3
Vincent, Stan3
Falconer, Duncan2
Grant, Johnny2
Simpson, Ronnie2
Grant, John1
Preston, Tommy1

Played In Same Game (including times as substitute)

PlayerNum Times Played In Same Game As
Stanton, Pat16
Scott, Jim15
Wilson, Willie14
McNamee, John13
Cormack, Peter12
Baxter, John8
Davis, Joe8
Martin, Neil8
O'Rourke, Jimmy8
Simpson, Billy8
Fraser, John7
Stevenson, Jimmy7
Cousin, Alan5
Quinn, Pat5
Stevenson, Eric5
Parke, John4
Hamilton, Willie3
Leishman, Tommy3
Vincent, Stan3
Falconer, Duncan2
Grant, Johnny2
Simpson, Ronnie2
Grant, John1
Preston, Tommy1

Current Comments

1 comments so far (post your own)

Davie Hogg joined Hibs as a 17-year-old in 1963,
but quickly gave up full-time football in order to work part-time in insurance. It was hardly surprising as he had shown an academic bent at Holy Cross Academy which led to him being offered a chance to study languages at Edinburgh University. In 1968 he was given a free transfer.

Posted by Patrick Roberts on 07/06/2011 - 17:41

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