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Scotland U21 Player Kenneth Mclean, Managers & Teammates

Mclean, Kenneth

Date of Birth08/01/1992
Place of BirthRutherglen
Games Played10 [Show all]
Games Started4
Games On As Sub6
Yellow Cards1
Red Cards0

Managers Selected By (including times as substitute)

ManagerNum Times Played Under
Stark, Billy9
Sbragia, Ricky1

In Starting Lineup Alongside

PlayerNum Times In Starting Lineup With
Archer, Jordan4
Armstrong, Stuart3
Paterson, Callum3
Findlay, Stuart2
Fraser, Ryan2
Fyvie, Fraser2
McGhee, Jordan2
McGregor, Callum2
McHattie, Kevin2
Robertson, Clark2
Duffie, Kieran1
Feruz, Islam1
Fraser, Marcus1
Holt, Jason1
Jack, Ryan1
Kelly, Sean1
Kerr, Fraser1
May, Stevie1
McGeouch, Dylan1
McGinn, John1
Scougall, Steven1
Slater, Craig1
Smith, David1
Toshney, Lewis1
Wallace, Murray1
Watt, Tony1

Played In Same Game (including times as substitute)

PlayerNum Times Played In Same Game As
Armstrong, Stuart9
Archer, Jordan6
Jack, Ryan5
Findlay, Stuart4
Hanlon, Paul4
McGeouch, Dylan4
Paterson, Callum4
Watt, Tony4
Adam, Grant3
Allan, Scott3
Duffie, Kieran3
Fyvie, Fraser3
Kelly, Liam3
McGhee, Jordan3
McGregor, Callum3
McHattie, Kevin3
Perry, Ross3
Robertson, Clark3
Russell, Johnathon3
Smith, David3
Toshney, Lewis3
Wallace, Murray3
Wilson, Danny3
Wotherspoon, David3
Feruz, Islam2
Fraser, Marcus2
Fraser, Ryan2
Griffiths, Leigh2
Herron, John2
Holt, Jason2
Kerr, Fraser2
Kettings, Chris2
MacDonald, Alexander2
Macleod, Lewis2
May, Stevie2
McCabe, Rhys2
McGinn, John2
Palmer, Liam2
Pawlett, Peter2
Ridgers, Mark2
Scougall, Steven2
Shinnie, Graeme2
Slater, Craig2
Andrews, Michael1
Booth, Callum1
Cairney, Tom1
Carrick, Dale1
Chalmers, Joe1
Cole, Darren1
Edwards, Matthew1
Forrest, James1
Gauld, Ryan1
Grimmer, Jack1
Handling, Daniel1
Kelly, Sean1
Kennedy, Matthew1
Mackay-Steven, Gary1
McKenzie, Rory1
Ness, Jamie1
O'Halloran, Michael1
Park, Cameron1
Rhodes, Jordan1
Robertson, Andrew1
Stanton, Sam1
Thomson, Craig1
Wylde, Gregg1

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