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Hibernian Player Allan McGraw, Managers & Teammates

McGraw, Allan

Date of Birth29/07/1939
Place of BirthGlasgow
Signed FromGreenock Morton
Sold ToLinfield
Games Played95 [Show all]
Games Started90
Games On As Sub5
Yellow Cards0
Red Cards1

Managers Selected By (including times as substitute)

ManagerNum Times Played Under
Shankly, Bob95

In Starting Lineup Alongside

PlayerNum Times In Starting Lineup With
Davis, Joe90
Stanton, Pat80
Stevenson, Eric79
Cormack, Peter77
Stein, Colin73
Quinn, Pat67
Madsen, John66
Duncan, Bobby62
Allan, Thomson58
Cousin, Alan46
Scott, Alex33
Scott, Jim33
Wilson, Willie31
O'Rourke, Jimmy30
Simpson, Billy19
Marinello, Peter16
McNamee, John13
Grant, Colin8
Shevlane, Chris6
Blackley, John5
Murphy, John4
McBride, Joe2
Fraser, John1
Reilly, Jack1

Played In Same Game (including times as substitute)

PlayerNum Times Played In Same Game As
Davis, Joe95
Stanton, Pat85
Stevenson, Eric84
Cormack, Peter83
Stein, Colin75
Quinn, Pat72
Madsen, John70
Duncan, Bobby65
Allan, Thomson62
Cousin, Alan54
O'Rourke, Jimmy43
Scott, Jim36
Scott, Alex34
Wilson, Willie32
Simpson, Billy22
Marinello, Peter20
Grant, Colin17
McNamee, John13
Shevlane, Chris8
Blackley, John7
Murphy, John5
McBride, Joe2
Fraser, John1
Reilly, Jack1

Current Comments

3 comments so far (post your own)

Allan McGraw was not known as "Quick Draw" for nothing. His League total, in five seasons with Morton, was 116 goals in 137 games - an 85% average !

In 1999 he stood as an independent candidate for West Renfrewshire in the Scottish Parliamentary elections. (edited by moderator)

Posted by Patrick Roberts on 09/05/2011 - 17:39

Misc/trivia :- Greenock Morton : 'Most League Goals in Season (Individual): 58, Allan McGraw, Division 2, 1963-64.'

Source : "Sky Sports Football Yearbook, 2016-2017, 47th Year" Compiled by John Anderson. (edited by moderator)

Posted by Patrick Roberts on 08/07/2017 - 01:43

I remember when I started supporting Hibs he was taken off then brought back on in a l.cup semi against Dundee and scored the winning goal. But he was getting pain killing injections that ultimately damaged his legs permanently.
He didn't even play in the 1969 final .
I hailed him a hero which he is , but feel disgusted at the painful torment he is now subjected to. All the best Allan.

Posted by Ian on 10/02/2019 - 21:32

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